Vladimir Putin
Nonsense. Counter-sanctions helped boost the agroindustry. They unshackled our domestic market. In our country, if we look at the past years from 2000s and onwards everyone here spoke about the agroindustry as if it was a black hole, surely you do remember. Where is it now? I don't even remember how far ahead agricultural production has leaped. I think 2.6-fold. We always purchased grain but now we are the world’s leading exporter of wheat. We have outperformed the United States, Canada and Australia. They produce more but consume more as well. We supply more on the market. We started to produce enough to meet our basic food needs: dairy, poultry, pork, and basic products. We need to work more on vegetables and start working on beef. And we are doing it. Nobody could have imagined that our export was going to total USD 25 billion last year. This year it will be [USD] 24 [billion], I think. As far as our weapons sales go, they bring in [USD] 15 billion. Nobody would have ever thought that we would become such a major exporter. And we will raise this volume. So, in terms of developing ‘import substitution’ high-tech industries and in terms of agroindustrial development… Is it good or bad? On the one hand, it’s good, it has served us well. On the other hand, it is bad. It is bad because it is distorting the entire global and European economic space. Competition should be natural without any external restrictions. But the fact is our partners also lose approximately the same. Europe has lost roughly the same, according to their estimates. Actually, they’ve been losing even more sensitive things.